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Tahseen Jafry

Tahseen Jafry

Tahseen presented "A Determination of the Inter-relationship between Climate Change, Gender Based Violence, Mental Health and Climate Justice for Progressive Social Change" at Session 1

Katie Dow

Katie Dow

Katie presented "Reproduction, Gender and the Environment: Fertile Connections" at Session 1

Rochelle Burgess

Rochelle Burgess

Rochelle was going to present "People, power and possibilities for our future: Why we need mental health enabling communities to achieve climate justice for women in the global south" at Session 1

Kathryn Grace

Kathryn Grace

Kathryn presented "Maternal and reproductive health and climate change" in Session 2

Liliana Andriano

Liliana Andriano

Liliana presented "The effects of growing-season drought on young adult women’s life course transitions in a sub-Saharan context" at Session 2

Murylo Batista

Murylo Batista

Murylo presented "Social-Environmental Vulnerability to Climate Change and Unmet Family Planning Need in the Dominican Republic and Haiti" at Session 2

Valeria Urbina Cordano

Valeria Urbina Cordano

Valeria presented "Gender and extractive industries in Latin America" at Session 2

Ileana Rojas

Ileana Rojas

Ileana presented "“Bringing interculturality to maternal-neonatal health”. Towards a policy for the generation and strengthening of intercultural competences of indigenous maternal-neonatal health personnel who care for indigenous women in Junín, Peru" at Session 2

Amanda Veile

Amanda Veile

Amanda presented "Globalization, urbanization, and women’s reproductive health in Latin American indigenous communities" in Session 2

Chantal Victoria Bright

Chantal Victoria Bright

Chantal presented "Inside Janjay: Teaching Children through Literature about Environmental Health Risks associated with Drinking Water Access in Developing Countries" at Session 3

Antonella Bancalari

Antonella Bancalari

Antonella presented "Challenges to the Adopting Public Infrastructure: Experimental Evidence from Urban Slums" at Session 3

David Astudillo-Rueda

David Astudillo-Rueda

David presented "Post-traumatic stress disorder, food insecurity, and social capital among mothers after the 2017 Coastal El Niño flooding in Piura, Peru: a mixed method study" at Session 3

Annel B. Rojas Alvarado

Annel B. Rojas Alvarado

Annel presented "Persistent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and resilience in people affected by the El Niño Coastal Phenomenon 2017 in Lima, Peru" at Session 3

Mikaela Patrick

Mikaela Patrick

Mikaela presented"Planetary Health Justice for women: examples of practice from Design, Participation and Ecofeminism " along with Winnie at Session 3

Winnie Chelagat

Winnie Chelagat

Winnie presented "Planetary Health Justice for women: examples of practice from Design, Participation and Ecofeminism" along with Mikaela at Session 3

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