Environment x women's health WorkshopS september 2020
Women in the Global South are disproportionately negatively impacted by environmental threats and climate change; women who are already in marginalised positions are particularly vulnerable, especially those who are lower class, indigenous or who live in rural areas. For many women in these contexts environmental adversity is an embodied experience.
We held a series of multidisciplinary, multi-sector workshops online. The workshops drew on expertise within demography, psychology, sociology, epidemiology, population health and beyond to explore environmental effects on maternal, reproductive and mental health, show-cased new research, facilitated knowledge exchange and discussed potential community-based solutions.
Our project assistants Billie and Natalia provide their summaries and reflections on the workshops on our blog, and videos of the presentations are shared below and on our YouTube channel.
Session 1: Thursday 3rd September 2020, 5-6.30pm BST
Introductory session with talks from experts on women's environmental health issues, Rochelle Burgess, Katie Dow and Tahseen Jafry, followed by a Q&A. Watch the video of Session 1 below. Click here for more information on the speakers.
Session 2: Thursday 10th September 2020, 5-6.30pm BST
An interactive session with a mix of short-presentations and group discussions, showcasing relevant research and projects and providing the chance to meet others interested in women's environmental health and to discuss key issues in this emerging field. Click here for information on the speakers. This was a participatory session, where attendees were encouraged to contribute and learn from one another through active discussion. Watch the video of the presentations from this session below.
Session 3: Thursday 17th September 2020, 5-6.30pm BST
This session had a mix of short-presentations on a variety of topics related to women's environmental health and was followed by an audience Q&A. Watch the video of Session 3 below. Click here for information on the speakers.